Destroyed the enemy BC and machine gun in the east, exposed the carrier and detained the violators in the west: the situation on the border

11.03.2024 19:20

Border guards of the Steel Border Guard Brigade during work in the temporarily occupied territory of Kharkiv region discovered an observation post of the Russians and inflicted fire damage with the help of accurate discharges from a strike drone. Also, as a result of the work of the border guards, an enemy ammunition, a machine gun and two occupiers were destroyed.

Meanwhile, the enemy has resorted to new solutions. The occupiers decided to test drones with an ignition mixture. The other day, in one of the border communities in the Chernihiv region, border guards recorded the fact of dropping an unknown object from an enemy UAV. After hitting the ground, it caught fire. However, the DPSU fighters warned the spread of the fire in time.

In addition, on the western borders, border guards continuously carry out active measures to search and detain persons who carry out illegal activities at the state border and in controlled border areas. Recently, the border guards of the Chernivtsi detachment found and detained a citizen of Ukraine who organized the illegal transfer of persons to Romania.

The 36-year-old man came into the field of view of border guards last year. Then, during the detention of violators who intended to illegally cross the border, law enforcement officers received data on the possible involvement of a citizen in illegal activities.

In the future, within the framework of criminal proceedings, border guards carefully collected operational information and evidence base to bring the man to justice. The other day, he was selected for a precautionary measure in the form of detention for a period of 60 days with the possibility of making a bail in the amount of 240 thousand hryvnias. The detainee is threatened with criminal liability, provided for in Art. 332 of the Criminal Code “Illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine”.

Also, the border guards of the Podolsk detachment in the Odessa region managed to detain two residents of the Zaporizhzhya region. They were trying to reach Moldova illegally. The men planned a route to the Transnistrian region in advance and equipped themselves with a telescopic ladder.

They were detected by border guards, but the violators did not respond to legal demands to stop. Border guards had to stop the choolovists with warning shots.

For malicious disobedience to the lawful order of border guards and an attempt to illegally cross the border in relation to men, protocols on administrative offenses under Art. 185-10 and Part 2 of Art. 204-1 KupAp. Cases are sent to court.

In total, on March 10, 65 thousand people and 17 thousand vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

30,000 people left Ukraine. 17 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova.

35 thousand people followed to Ukraine, 31 thousand of them - citizens of Ukraine.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine



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