Changes in the operation of service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vinnytsia region

20.02.2024 18:00

From February 20, as part of the optimization, the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Vinnytsia, Cherkasy and Kirovohrad regions will be united into one unit.

Currently, technical adjustment is being carried out to ensure the efficient operation of the structure. Therefore, for several days in the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Vinnytsia region, delays in the provision of administrative services are possible. As before, citizens are provided with services for registration of vehicles, passing exams, exchanging national and issuing an international driver's license.

The changes also concern examination activities and the opening of a new center. From now on, the service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the city. Mogilev-Podolsky provides services in the city. Shargorod. It is located at: ul. Heroes of the Maidan, 224.

License plates that citizens left at paid storage for moving to Shargorod. In addition, from February 20, the examination activities from Tulchin are transferred to Gaysin. These changes are due to the remoteness of some settlements and the improvement of territorial amenity.

In the Vinnytsia region, theoretical and practical exams will be taken in three service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs: the city.
m. Shargorod;
m. Gaysin.

Other service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will provide citizens with all available administrative services, except for the examination.

Main service center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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