Attempt on a high-ranking tax official: law enforcement officers detained two people
The two men were detained by the National Police Criminal Investigation Department along with investigators and special agents. Detainees were preparing an attack on a high-ranking tax official.
The police managed to prevent the attack at the moment when the suspects with prepared batons were already heading towards the man. He was coming out of the entrance of his house.
Law enforcement officers received information about preparations for an attack in order to inflict bodily harm in advance. So at 8 in the morning, the intruders were detained directly during an attempt to commit a crime. In this way, they actually saved the official. The attackers had a photo of the 30-year-old potential victim and his car, indicating the custom-made nature of the crime.
The perpetrators were previously convicted 27 and 31-year-old citizens. They are detained under the order of Art. 208 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine. Investigators are finding out the identity of the customer of the attack.
Pre-trial investigation initiated under Part 1 of Art. 14; Part 2 of Art. 121 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine — preparation for a crime, inflicting grievous bodily harm by a group of persons or committed on order. The sanction of the article provides for punishment in the form of imprisonment for up to 10 years.
National Police of Ukraine