For every grief comes retribution - Igor Klymenko about the work of the National Guards

18.03.2024 16:56

For every grief that the occupiers bring to our land, to our families, there is retribution. The Ministry of Internal Affairs contributes to the destruction of the enemy. The Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko wrote about this in his T elegram channel. The soldiers of the National Guard of Ukraine are always at the forefront of our struggle.

Over the past week, the guards destroyed:

  • 84 cars with occupiers
  • 43 units of armored vehicles
  • 39 artillery systems
  • 26 tanks
  • 7 REB tools
  • 7 warehouses from BC
  • 3 units of engineering technology
  • 2 rocket systems of volley fire

“Also, our soldiers eliminated 17 dungeons with enemy personnel. Invaders are not allowed to breathe in trenches and open ground. In the video - this is exactly the work of the Spartan team. We continue to work,” the Minister stressed.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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