During the day, border guards detained 17 people who tried to illegally cross the state border

11.08.2023 16:10

Soldiers of the State Border Guard Service detained two drunk people who tried to conquer the border of Rivne region. At the legal request of the border guards about the stop, the driver did not react and accelerated the traffic. In order to stop the vehicle, the border guard fired a warning shot from an automatic weapon, which stopped the daredevils.

Later it turned out that both passengers were local residents who had obvious signs of alcohol intoxication, and the motorcycle driver did not have the appropriate right to drive this type of transport.

According to this fact, the offenders were drawn up protocols under Art. 185-10 KUPap, decisions on which will be made by the court.

In addition, the officers of the National Police drew up procedural documents for the driver under Article 130 and Article 126 of the Code of Civil Procedure.

Also about the incident, the border guards informed the employees of the nearest Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support.

In Odessa region, the border guards of the Podolsk detachment, implementing operational information, detained 7 men who intended to illegally leave the territory of Ukraine.

The group was detained 2 km from the border with the Republic of Moldova. Residents of Odessa and Rivne regions planned first to illegally enter the territory of the RM, and then to one of the countries of the European Union.

As it turned out, the men followed the border along a pre-arranged route given to them by the “curator”. According to the detainees, they found their guide in a closed telegram channel. The cost of such a service for one person was 1.6 thousand US dollars.

The men, having just reached the indicated point on the map, were immediately detained by border guards.

In relation to the detainees, protocols have been drawn up on their commission of administrative offenses, provided for in Art. 204-1 KUPAP “Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine”, the cases are referred to the court.

17 people were detained for attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine — 2 of them tried to cross the border illegally at checkpoints, another 15 were detained outside designated crossing points.

In addition, 2 men, citizens of Ukraine, were not allowed to leave the country, since border guards found signs of forgery of their documents, which give the right to cross the border to persons of conscription age. In the actions of men there are signs of offenses provided for by articles 336 and 358 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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