The enemy shelled Chernihiv region with shells with propaganda leaflets addressed to residents of the Chechen Republic — Yevhenii Yenin

17.06.2022 09:38

The First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine told about this in the live broadcast of the All-Ukrainian Telemarathon UASoM.

Yevgeny Yenin demonstrated a 122-mm shell from the Grad system, produced during the Soviet Union and dropped on the territory of Chernihiv region.

“In the middle, he carried propaganda poison. Interestingly, these propaganda leaflets are intended for residents of the Chechen Republic. Whether confused or just not bothering. But these cards fell on the heads of Ukrainians,” said the first deputy head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Yevgeny Yenin also demonstrated the leaflets spilled from the shell in Chernihiv region, with the following meaning: “Citizens of the Chechen Republic! They are trying to draw you into an armed confrontation with federal troops. They are trying to force you to protect the interests of others to you. Interests of local tycoons, leaders of terrorist gangs.”

Also, the First Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs noted that due to the obsolescence of Russian ammunition on the heads of peaceful compatriots, it falls even more than it could fall, since the age of these munitions does not guarantee accuracy.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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