The enemy fired on Kharkiv region: a woman was found under the rubble

17.02.2024 19:27

The enemy shelled the city of Kupyansk and Kharkiv district. It happened from 13:00 to 13:40. Previously, the enemy hit the city with aerial bombs KAB-500, KAB-250. A woman was found under the rubble of a house in Kupyansk. She is currently being helped. The search for other victims continues.

According to preliminary data, five local residents were injured as a result of the attack.

Around 15:00 from the rocket system of volley fire, the occupiers shelled the Kharkiv district. As a result, a private house caught fire. There is no information about the victims.

Employees of the investigative and operational team, explosives, and the State Emergency Service continue to work at the scene. They disassemble rubble, conduct inspections, and collect physical evidence.

National Police of Ukraine

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