Arranged a torture chamber in Gostomel: police reported a suspicion of an occupier who detained citizens at the airport

13.02.2024 11:50

With threats of murder and torture, the occupiers tried to obtain from civilians any information about the military-political leadership of our state, the Armed Forces and persons who participated in the ATO/PLO.

The investigators of the investigative department of the police of Kyiv region exposed and documented the occupier's misconduct with the prompt support of the criminal police of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city. Sevastopol under the procedural guidance of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

During the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement officers established that from March 8 to 17, 2022, the soldier, together with his henchmen, held people in a non-working freezer of the former Antonov State Enterprise canteen.

After conducting interrogations, the Russian military mercilessly tortured civilian prisoners: striking vital organs, passing electric current through the body and depriving them of air.

“We were taken to the forest and thrown into a pit where the boys had already been killed. Subsequently, two other men were brought in, who were shot in front of our eyes and thrown at us from above. We covered ourselves with bodies because it was very cold. Then the Russian servicemen transported us to the freezer room, where the FSB began interrogation. One of the special forces hit me on the head with an automatic machine gun and I fell with the chair to which I was tied. After that, he beat his legs in the face, ribs, jumped on his feet, pelvis and head. Women were too. Through the wall we heard them. At night, they were bullied, they shouted. And one of the women had cancer, we heard her say it repeatedly that she needed medicine. The occupiers did not give her any medicines, she cried from pain,” says the victim Yuri.

On the fact of violation of the laws and customs of the war committed by a group of persons, the investigators of the Kiev region police informed the 47-year-old Russian military about the suspicion of Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of laws and customs of war).

National Police of Ukraine

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