He demanded money for a deferment from mobilization: an official of the military registration commission was exposed in Poltava region

21.02.2024 13:45

The head of one of the district military registration commissions of the Poltava region was handed a suspicion of receiving illegal benefits for delaying mobilization (in the form of money or fuel).

The corruption scheme was exposed by the employees of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Poltava region together with the Investigative Department of the Regional Police, under the procedural guidance of the Poltava Specialized Prosecutor's Office in the Field of Defense of the Central Region.

Law enforcers established the fact of illegal execution of documents giving the right to deferment from mobilization for 15 conscripts. During the search at the place of service of the defendant, the investigators seized documentary evidence of his illegal “manipulations”.

The official of the military registration and enlistment office was informed of the suspicion of committing the crime provided for in Part 3 of Art. 368 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The necessary investigative actions and operational measures to establish other episodes of its criminal activity are ongoing.

National Police of Ukraine

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