They demanded a non-existent debt from the widow of a soldier: criminals were detained in Zaporozhye

09.02.2024 18:00

Threatening violence, the attackers tried to get from the Zaporizhzhka the return of the non-existent debts of her deceased husband.

Last summer, two local men, aged 48 and 64, learned of the death of a soldier they knew. After that, on the basis of far-fetched debt obligations, they began to demand part of the money that the widow of the deceased hero received as material assistance from the state.

Psychological pressure and threats of physical violence through numerous phone calls and “gifts” in the form of mourning wreaths — such methods were used by criminals against women.

To further confuse and intimidate the victim into a fictitious “scheme” of illicit enrichment, they recruited another 40-year-old henchman. He said that the deceased also owed money to him, and offered the victim to settle the issue with the extortionists for $10,000. Then the Zaporizhzhka turned to law enforcement for help.

On February 5, investigators of the Zaporizhzhya Regional Police Department under the operational support of the USBU staff in the region detained three defendants after they received 150,000 hryvnias from the victim. On the same day, law enforcement officers conducted nine sanctioned searches of the places of residence of the defendants and their vehicles. As a result of the search measures, physical evidence was seized.

Detainees have been informed of the suspicion. The actions of intruders are qualified under Part 4 of Art. 189 (Extortion) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. At this time, precautionary measures have been chosen for the two older suspects in the form of detention, and their accomplice — round-the-clock house arrest.

The pre-trial investigation is ongoing.

National Police of Ukraine

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