“War leaves its scars and scars, but we must not give up”: the story of a fighter with the nickname “Cheetah”

22.03.2024 12:00

A fighter of the National Guard of Ukraine Evgeny Dmitruk from childhood dreamed of becoming a military man, like a brother who always told only good things about serving in the army.

“Since childhood, I had a goal — to become a military man like a brother. He constantly told me positive things about the army. And since I grew up without my father, his help, care — I wanted to master such a male profession. My dream was to be an officer,” says Cheetah

In 2011, the man was called up for military service, after which he signed a contract.

In 2017, Yevhenii performed tasks in the Donetsk region, within the framework of the Anti-Terrorist Operation, and already in 2022 — as part of the special forces repelled the aggressor during a full-scale invasion.

“I was very worried about my parents and family. According to the specifics of my work, I knew that what would happen next with me — the bag was alarming, the weapons were also at the forefront, but how it would be with my parents and what they should do — it was very difficult for me,” Yevhenii says.

The National Guard admits that, like every Ukrainian, he dreams most of all about Victory and sustainable peace in the country:

“It is my dream, like that of all of us, that this will end as soon as possible, so that the comrades with whom I have served before will return alive and well.”

Currently, the guy continues to serve and participates in various sports competitions for the Ukrainian military. He says it helps to rehabilitate after an injury.

Recently, Yevhenii took the honorable first place in rowing during the “Strong of Ukraine” competition.

For more on the story of the fighter, see our video.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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