Knocked out the invaders in the eastern and southern directions: the story of a 22-year-old guard (VIDEO)

13.02.2024 20:30

The national guard with the nickname Owl serves in the brigade “Red Kalina”. The defender is 22 years old. Four of them he is in the army, for two years he has been fighting for the liberation of Ukraine against the Russian occupiers.

According to the guard, for now the main thing for him is victory. Only after that it will be possible to fully proceed to the solution of social and personal issues.

“I think about the future of our country, about the future of my family, which I want to shape. But the war took away from me that opportunity to shape. Now I have one thing - victory. And after the victory, we will already try to live and return to the life that we had until 2022. We need to understand that we will come to victory only if the people unite and realize that the war is all over Ukraine, and not only in certain areas,” the soldier says.

Owl began his combat path after the full-scale invasion in the role of an infantryman. He served as a gunsler-medic and defended Ukraine in fierce battles against Russian occupiers in Donbas. The main tasks at that time were to repel enemy attacks and evacuate the wounded.

In the fighting in the southern direction, the fighter of “Krasnaya Kalina” participates already as an air scout. Before that, the guy had a serious injury and a long rehabilitation. Currently performs tasks of detecting enemy life force, movement of light armored and armored vehicles, and detecting enemy fire equipment.

“The main problems we face when working with UAVs are the action of the enemy REB and weather conditions. These are the main enemies. Here we are fighting with a regular army that shows a decent result. Do not underestimate the enemy. The enemy learns — it's a fact. Learn from our mistakes. This is also a fact”, - emphasizes Owl.

The Guardian calls on all those who wish to join in the protection of their native land. After all, work in the army is for everyone, new knowledge and skills can be obtained during training and training. The main thing is the desire and understanding of the ultimate goal.

National Guard of Ukraine

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