Training course for combat medics under the guidance of “UNIFIER” Operation Instructors began in the National Guard

24.01.2022 16:23

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (Tactical Combat Casualty Care) course is not held for the first time. Canadian instructors train guards to save the lives of their comrades during combat using the latest means. The course will last 3 weeks, during which time they will become qualified specialists in their field. The opening of the course was visited by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada Melanie

Joly, who was at the International Centre at the time as part of an official visit.

“We will provide the guards with a lot of information on the provision of first aid and work out different combat situations with them that will help save lives on the battlefield. This course is one step above the basic level, it is not intended for all military, but for combat medics,” said one of the instructors of the Canadian Armed Forces.

The course is conducted by 4 instructors of the operation “UNIFIER” and 2 instructors from the National Guard. In the first week, the guards will work out all the theoretical issues and repeat the basics of providing home care, as well as learn how to work with new equipment. After that, they are waiting for them to work out tactical scenarios that are as close as possible to combat conditions. They will absorb information for further instructional activities.

“The course is built on the principles that we apply in Canada. It gathers experience from combat operations, as well as experiences from other countries such as the United States, New Zealand and Australia. Instructors will provide all training material that may be needed. They should teach people how to provide assistance without the participation of a doctor,” added the Canadian instructor.

After completing the course, the military will know how to properly stop heavy bleeding, clear the airways with medical tubes, recognize and deal with pneumothorax prescriptions, conduct tactical care in combat conditions, and ensure safe evacuation.

All this will begin with a proper examination of the body, and having recognized the symptoms, they will be able to provide first aid before the injured person falls into the hands of specialists. The earlier assistance is provided to the wounded, the greater the chance of reducing battlefield mortality.

Soldiers will complete this course with knowledge and skills that will allow them to minimize human losses due to battlefield injuries and improve overall survival of the wounded.

Department of Information and Communication of the International Center of NGU

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