The Ministry of Internal Affairs considered the Concept of military-patriotic education

10.03.2023 14:04

At a joint meeting, the rectors of departmental universities and representatives of the units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs considered measures for the implementation of the Concept of military-patriotic education in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and ways of its implementation. Also, the participants were presented with a video about the assault units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in particular, they told about the state of formation of the brigade “Fury”.

At the beginning of the meeting, First Deputy Director of the Department of Education, Science and Sports Anton Sizonenko spoke about the importance of creating and implementing the Concept of Military-Patriotic Education in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the conditions of martial law and called on those present to develop an integrated approach to military-patriotic education of youth.

Then the word was given to the representative of the brigade “Fury” Alexander Voloshin, who presented a video about the assault units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He also said that today more than 8 thousand applications have been received to the brigade, but the reception continues. In addition, he demonstrated the equipment of a fighter of the assault brigade, told about the stages of training, as well as about the types of monetary and social security.

During the speeches of rectors of higher education institutions and representatives of units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the exchange of experience on military-patriotic education in conditions of martial law and discussion of ways to implement the Concept, a proposal was made to make changes to the training program of university cadets who are trained to ensure public security in peaceful cities, but not for service in conditions of martial law or combat operations.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Inna Yashchuk summed up the discussion and noted that work on military-patriotic education should be carried out comprehensively and by joint efforts of state authorities. It is also necessary to develop a youth training plan that can be taken for implementation in the defense of the country.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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