All were united by one thing - to take revenge on the occupiers for every shot on our land, - border guard Vadim

30.01.2023 13:20

The soldier began his military journey in 2019 by joining the Border Agency. With the beginning of a full-scale invasion, his unit underwent training and went to eastern Ukraine.

From June to October, the unit, whose branch commander was Vadim, performed combat missions in the Donetsk region. Together with their brethren, they occupied a position near Tatianivka.

“Our position was one of the “most fun”, the enemy shelling almost did not stop. Even during the biggest artillery and mortar enemy attacks, we all stuck together, often joking to lift our spirits. My fighters were very motivated, and all united by one desire - to take revenge on the invaders for every shot on our land,” the border guard recalls.

The fighters held this milestone for more than two months. And although all the time the occupiers ruthlessly pursued their position, they did not retreat a meter, but went on the offensive.

Initially, the border guards set up a position on the outskirts of Svyatogorsk, a day later they were joined by comrades from the Armed Forces. As part of the Defense Forces, Vadim's unit was one of the first to enter the city.

The angry enemy army on the first night shelled Svyatogorsk, but without success. In the liberated territories, our Defenders were joyfully greeted by local residents. The soldiers primarily delivered food and medicine for them.

Soon Vadim and his brothers will again go to the front line. However, he is sure that this time they will return with victory. After all, the biggest dream of a border guard is to create his own family in a free Ukraine!

For his significant contribution to ensuring the protection of the state border, protecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, exemplary performance of military and constitutional duties, Vadim was awarded the award of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “For Courage in Service”.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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