“We have the only chance to become free,” - the fighter with the nickname “Tara” in the special project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Heroes”

11.03.2024 20:00

In the first issue of the special project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs “Heroes” we tell about a fighter of the “Frontier” brigade of the Guard of the Offensive. 32-year old Taras Bagus with the nickname “Tara” is the chief sergeant of the reconnaissance platoon of the “Force of Freedom” battalion of the “Rubizh” brigade.

Before the full-scale invasion of the Russians, Tara lived in Indonesia, was a philosopher and a successful businessman.

“When I heard the war, I was in Bali and I couldn't believe it. But when I called my mom, she says - it started. Then I flew for a very large amount of money, 5 transfers, 48 hours I flew, got to Ukraine. On the same day, he went to the military commissariat and, at the first opportunity, left for the combat zone,” Taras recalls.

From the first days of the war, the man joined the ranks of the National Guard. He fought for Lisichansk, Bakhmut and Severodonetsk.

“First of all, I learned to survive. Because there are people of mine with whom I began to fight, but there are not many of them. I saw people who were specialists, I took an example from them. I saw how they took risks and why they did it. So I had to master my own fear and now I have to be a superhero myself,” says “Tara”.

During one of the battles, a National Guardsman received a contusion and was wounded. Now he is undergoing rehabilitation in the hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. After recovery, despite everything, he plans to get back in shape to continue to beat the enemy.

“We have the only chance to become free people. I do not want this evil spirit to come into my house and your home again. Help us,” says Tara.

The first issue of the special project “Heroes” about a soldier with the call sign “Tara” - see below.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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