Today in Ukraine we celebrate Border Guard Day

30.04.2023 09:00

Thousands of men and women in the ranks of the State Border Service selflessly fight with the Russian horde on the front lines, as well as ensure the security of the country at various parts of the border.

Thanks to them, we are getting closer every day to our common goal — Victory! Their strength of spirit is admired not only by the Ukrainian people, but also by the whole world. They admire and quote. It is worth mentioning the funny words of the border guard from the island of Snake. He, like other Ukrainian defenders, defended our freedom, our border.

For Ukraine and each of us, the border is not just a line. This is our real boundary between good and evil. It was the border guards who were the first to accept the blow of the Russian army, resisted and continue to fight for independence.

Since the full-scale invasion of Russia, for more than a year of bloody terror, border guards together with other Ukrainian defenders bravely defended Kiev, Mariupol, Kharkiv, Sumy, Chernihiv, Kherson, participated in the de-occupation of Ukrainian territories, continue to be in the hottest areas, where it continues liberation war, defending the northern and southern directions. And the Bakhmut Fortress, which is also defended by border guards, has become a legendary page in the defense of Ukraine from the Rascist invaders.

We all pay tribute to all the boys and girls who gave their lives for Ukraine. To all those who continue to fight the aggressor for our bright future. Each of them is a Hero and thanks to their self-sacrifice our state remains free.

For their courage, almost 1,150 border guards were awarded state awards. 7 were awarded the highest distinction — the title of Hero of Ukraine. Unfortunately, five of them died posthumously.

We will always remember the names of all fallen border guards, because Ukraine has been resisting Russia's aggression for more than 9 years. Their exploits and the memory of them will live forever.

To date, 243 border guards have been freed from Russian captivity.

Ukrainian border guards were, are and remain reliable defenders of Ukraine.

Glory to the Heroes who bring Ukrainians closer to Victory every day!

Glory to the border guards of Ukraine!
Glory to Ukraine and all Ukrainian people!

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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