Sumy dog guards conducted practical training on training service dogs

20.02.2024 20:30

The warriors of the canine platoon of the 3051 military unit of the NGU conducted another practical and theoretical training. Today, a training-seminar was held on the topic “Developing the skills of the general training course. Development of motivation.”

Military dog handlers work daily with their service dogs to improve their skills and skills. The commander of the canine platoon Oleksandr emphasizes that these classes have a serious practical basis.

“Obedience training, detaining an offender on an odor trail, finding and detecting weapons, ammunition and explosives are our continuous work and science. After all, obedience is no less important section in working with service dogs than the detention of a conditional offender. The skills of this section ensure the control of the dog in any setting,” says Alexander.

The current classes are with specialists of the all-Ukrainian scale. This time the participant of the IGP World Championship, the instructor of the Kennel Union of Ukraine on working qualities, Elena Protopopova, helped in the training of dog trainers.

“I am always happy to help specialists improve their skills in dog training. It's nice to see that National Guard dog trainers have a solid foundation, knowledge and skills in dog training. You just need to work, improve and have a crazy motivation to become even more qualified and professional”, - summed up Elena.

Indeed, after each such lesson or training, dog trainers of the 3051 military unit of the NGU take for themselves certain innovations and put them into practice in the training of service dogs. After all, all these details are important when it comes to successfully completing tasks as intended.

National Guard of Ukraine

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