Erased KaBama Netaylov. Avdiyev “white angels” and volunteers brought 500 kg of products to residents

22.03.2024 15:20

From the village to the front — less than three kilometers. The enemy throws Netaylov with air bombs up to 1500 kg. Houses stand in ruins, and people wander through the basements. During the humanitarian flight, the occupiers tried to destroy the crew and struck the place where the car was.

A few months ago, the humanitarian aid station was located in a local school, but Russian troops smashed the building. Now the group “White Angel” together with volunteers delivers food kits to shelters. In order to survive and not endanger citizens, law enforcement officers do not stay in one place and maneuver.

The inhabitants live in communes, the houses of most of them are destroyed. As a result of air strikes, someone is constantly killed. There were graves in the courtyards.

“The guys repaired the roof, flew... they were not taken to the hospital,” says the man, who himself miraculously survived after the bomb hit the house.

People show their “rooms” in the basement. The most valuable things were taken underground with them — household appliances, icons and hand-painted Ukrainian souvenirs. Before the Russian invasion, women led decorative arts circles at school.

“There are no things, that's what they were - in that we walk, everything is broken and dumped,” says a local resident.

Two people have been evacuated from Netaylovy in the past week. There are 70 residents in the village. All they pray for: “I want to live.”


Donetsk Oblast Police Communications Department

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