A new stage of the #ШахрайГудбай information campaign has started: the cyber police are reminded of the rules of payment security

04.05.2023 14:45

The all-Ukrainian information campaign on payment security #ШахрайГудбай is designed to improve citizens' awareness and remind about the basic rules of security during cashless payments.

On the occasion of the launch of the new phase of the campaign, a round table was held with the participation of the general partners, in particular the Department of Cyberpolice.

“Since the beginning of this year, more than 20,000 citizen appeals have been received to the Cyber Police Department, of which more than 75% are about fraud on the Internet. We observed similar percentages last year, respectively, combating online fraud remains one of the main areas of work of the cyber police,” said the head of the Cyber Police Department Yuriy Vyhodets.

He also talked about the most popular online fraud schemes and the results of the unit's work in the context of combating fraud.

“Employees of the Department of Cyberpolice in cooperation with the National Center for Operational and Technical Management of Telecommunication Networks and the National Bank of Ukraine have established a mechanism for filtering phishing domains and their subsequent blocking. Thanks to the joint work, since the beginning of this year, more than 16 thousand domain names have been blocked, which fraudsters used to create phishing links. Due to this, the number of crimes related to phishing decreased by almost 30%,” Yuriy Vychodets noted.

In turn, the Director of the Department of Payment Systems and Innovative Development of the National Bank Andrei Podderyogin stressed that most cases when citizens lose their funds arise due to their disclosure of their card data, one-time passwords for confirming transactions and data for entering Internet banking.

Note that the information campaign will last until the end of the year in all regions of Ukraine. The NBU together with its partners will inform citizens on how to protect themselves from payment fraud.

For reference: The NBU conducts the All-Ukrainian Information Campaign on Payment Security #ШахрайГудбай together with the Cyber Police Department of the National Police of Ukraine, as well as with the support of the USAID Project “Reforming the Financial Sector”.

National Police of Ukraine

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