Antiquities and relics of saints: border guards prevented church smuggling

10.04.2023 13:38

The other day, the border guards of the Chopsky detachment together with customs officers prevented the attempt to illegally export two ancient books abroad.

Antiquaries on religious subjects, one of which is Ukrainian and the other from a foreign publishing house, discovered during the inspection of the Mercedes passenger car of Czech registration, which was carried to Slovakia by a citizen of Romania together with a citizen of Ukraine.

The books “Life of Saints”, dated 1906, and “Rules for Divine Communion”, dated 1900, found in the trunk of a vehicle among the belongings of a citizen of Ukraine, a resident of Transcarpathia.

At the moment, the antiquities have been seized by customs officers. Their historical and cultural value will be established by the relevant expert.

In addition, last weekend, the border guards of the Izmail detachment at the Tabaki checkpoint prevented the removal of relics of 80 saints and other church utensils to Moldova.

The border guards found out that a citizen of Moldova, at the behest of his friend from Odessa, had to transport all the items across the border and deliver them to the Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the city of Vulkanesti, as if for holidays. At the same time, the ark was carelessly transported, which led to the fall of the leafhoppers from their places.

Upon detection of the crime provided for in Art. 201 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine “Smuggling”, border guards informed the SBU and a unit of the National Police. According to the results of joint activities with law enforcement officers, objects of church utensils were seized and criminal proceedings were opened.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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