“Even at the age of 13, I knew that I would have to fight”: the story of a veteran of the National Guard with the nickname “Sensei”

25.03.2024 14:00

He worked in a puppet theater, toured all over Ukraine, and then decided to defend the state and joined the ranks of the National Guard of Ukraine.

Mykhailo Hrysevich is one of the veterans of the NGU, who received a limb amputation while performing tasks at the front.

The man says that for him the war began at the age of 13 — during the Revolution of Dignity, it was then that he realized that he needed to fight for his own country.

“It was during the service that the most came to me was the understanding of character and endurance. I also began to actively play sports and quit bad habits,” says Mikhail.

He admits that immediately after the injury he remembered how much he wanted to run an ultramarathon 74 kilometers, but now the man is already actively participating in competitions and winning prizes.

“Participation in competitions is, first of all, socialization and communication with other wounded fighters, with people who have already won some title. Competitions give a chance and hope that you can still become a professional athlete,” says Sensei.

Currently, the man works as a prosthetist and helps him get back on his feet.

See more about Michael's story in our video.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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