Dear graduates of the National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytsky!

22.03.2024 16:00

Congratulations on completing your studies. Today you receive the rank of officers and replenish the ranks of brave defenders of Ukraine!

You have come to the defense of the Motherland in extremely difficult times. So today you are the future of our country. Your professionalism, perseverance and patriotism will contribute to strengthening the independence of the country, preserving the European vector of development.

Do not stop at what has been achieved. Continue to gain new knowledge and confidently step up the career ladder. And most importantly - always stay true to the Oath and the Ukrainian people.

Do not retreat from truth, kindness and honor. And never forget that our strength is in unity. Only together we will be able to destroy the plans of the invaders and defeat the enemies.

Be worthy of your Fatherland and honor the feat of the Defenders and Defenders of Ukraine, who laid down their lives defending our land. Remember that we are descendants of those who have fought enemies for centuries to preserve our independence and right to rule our land.

It will not be easy. Tough trials and resounding victories await you ahead. But we believe that each of you will carry the rank of officer with dignity!

Serve honestly! Serve with honor!

Glory to Ukraine!


Collegium of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine


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