Two civilians were shot: the case against the next occupiers is sent to court

21.02.2024 11:30

Investigators of the Main Directorate of the National Police in the Chernihiv region have completed a pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings concerning the shooting of three brothers by Russian occupiers. One of the brothers miraculously survived and got out of the grave. The materials of the proceedings with the indictment were transferred to the prosecutor of the Chernihiv Regional Prosecutor's Office for referral to the court.

During the pre-trial investigation, the police established that a war crime occurred on March 18, 2022, during the temporary occupation by Russian troops of a part of the Chernihiv region. That day, in one of the villages, a group of armed Russian military broke into the house of locals with a search.

The residents of the house are three brothers, one of whom is a former member of the ATO/OOO. Upon discovering the military uniform of the Armed Forces, the Rashists beat the brothers with examples and threatened with execution. Subsequently, the bound men were taken to the territory of the local farm, imprisoned for four days and tortured.

Under torture, the elder brother of the family told the executioners that he was involved in the burning of military equipment of the Russian Federation. After that, the occupiers took all three in the trunk of a car into a forest lane, kneeled them in front of the dug pit and shot them.

One of the brothers miraculously managed to survive and independently get out of the grave.

At present, investigators have completed the pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings under Part 2 of Article 28 and Part 2 of Article 438 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (Violation of the laws and customs of war, combined with premeditated murder, by a preliminary conspiracy of a group of persons).

For the actions committed by the Russian occupiers, they are threatened with life imprisonment.

National Police of Ukraine

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