Rescuers warn of danger: in order to prevent flooding, experts examined the mouth of the Desna River

14.02.2024 10:20

Due to the thaw during February 12-15, water levels will continue to rise.

Increased water levels can be observed:

  • on the site of the Upper Dnieper Nedanchychi-Dniprovske,
  • the foothills of Pripyat (Chernobyl zone),
  • rivers of the Desna subbasin (Kiev, Chernihiv, Sumy region),
  • possible initial flooding of the Pripyat floodplain in the Chernobyl zone and further flooding of the river floodplain. Snov, Desny
  • near Novgorod-Siversky, village Makoshino, s. Morivsk, Chernihiv garden and cottage development on the lowered areas of the floodplain,

In addition, there may be flooding of roads on the floodplain by the waters of Desna and the river Snov with violation of transport connections with certain villages in Novgorod-Siversky, Koryukovsky, Nizhyn, Chernihiv districts of Chernihiv region and Shostkin district of Sumy region (and the danger level is yellow). On the Upper Dnieper (within the country), significant flooding of floodplains will be maintained with disruption of transport communication of a number of riverine villages by the waters of the Dnieper and the Sozh and possible initial flooding of residential buildings of individual villages in Chernihiv district of Chernihiv region (II level of danger - orange).

In connection with the long delay and the fall of significant falls, on February 14-16, on some parts of the Zachidny Bug basin (Lviv, Volyn region), a continuation of the gradual rise of water levels by 0.1 - 0.3 m above the current temperatures is observed floods, subsequent flooding of floodplains and agricultural assets. In the district of G.P. Rata - village Mezhyriche (Lviv region), it is possible to achieve the results of initial flooding of commercial buildings and buildings in certain settlements (villages Silets and Mezhyrichia in Chervonohradsky district of Lviv region) (I r. Hazard — yellow).

In connection with the probable flooding due to rising water levels, rescuers of the Kiev region examined the mouth of the Desna River. Under normal conditions of snowmelt during temperature rise, flooding of economic objects, structures, riverine settlements is assumed. Accordingly, the negative impact of high water levels is possible.

In order to prevent partial flooding of territories and state facilities, rescuers with the help of a drone examined the river Desna river in Brovary district to find out if ice jams had formed.

Units of the Kiev region will be ready to eliminate any negative consequences of a possible flood and glacier until the water of the rivers flows into their streams. Currently, there are already calculations of the forces and means that are planned to be involved to carry out work to prevent and eliminate the consequences associated with the harmful action of waters. In addition, there are plans and calculations to undermine possible ice floes.

However, as of today, according to the results of the monitoring, the situation is completely stable and safe.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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