Results of combat work of border guards for a week

19.02.2024 13:30

Fighters of the State Border Service continue to destroy Russian occupiers on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, from 12.02.24 to 18.02.24, 25 invaders were eliminated by the DPSU forces, another 52 occupiers were transferred to the status of “300".

In addition, during the week, the border guards captured 1 tank, 9 guns, 5 mortars, 16 armored and auto vehicles, 1 excavator, 5 warehouses of property and ammunition, 3 observation posts and enemy concentration points, 1 communication vehicle and 2 observation complexes.

Also, 143 enemy UAVs were shot down, including 3 of them of the Shaheed type.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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