Results of combat work of border guards for a week

12.02.2024 10:30

Our border guards continue to destroy the occupiers and their equipment on the territory of Ukraine. Thus, from 05.02.24 to 12.02.24, the soldiers of the State Border Guard Service eliminated 54 invaders, another 89 occupiers were wounded.

Also during the week, the border guards hit 3 tanks, 6 guns, 120 mm mortars, 13 units of armored and auto vehicles, 5 ammunition depots, 5 enemy positions and shelters, 2 fuel depots, 1 means of communication, 2 observation complexes, 1 small enemy floatplane.

They shot down 146 enemy UAVs, including 8 of them of the Shaheed type.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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