Together with Poland, we must respond to Russian terror with even stronger and more meaningful cooperation, - Igor Klymenko

17.02.2023 16:36

Today, February 17, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko had a telephone conversation with the Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration of the Republic of Poland Mariusz Kaminski. The topic of conversation between the two ministers of friendly states was the aspects of cooperation in the context of strengthening regional security and countering aggressive actions of the Russian Federation.

At the beginning of the conversation, Igor Klimenko expressed his gratitude to his colleague for the firm and consistent position of the Polish Government in supporting our state and emphasized the personal role of Mariusz Kaminski in this process. In particular, the DNDECC of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine received significant assistance from the Forensic Laboratory of Poland. We are talking about consumables, equipment for DNA research.

Also, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine spoke about the ongoing process of formation and completion of new combat volunteer brigades under the single brand “Guard of Offensive”. He noted that in this work, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine hopes to help foreign partners, in particular Polish ones, in providing these parts with weapons, ammunition, communications and air intelligence.

“We hope that with your help, dear Mariushe, we will be able to complete in time the task of equipping the newly formed units that will take part in the liberation of the territories temporarily occupied by the enemy. And this will be another powerful contribution of friendly Poland to our victory. After all, no one better than our Polish neighbors is so deeply aware of the essence of the imperial plans of the Russian aggressor. Together with Poland, we must respond to Russian terror with even stronger, more meaningful cooperation and our solidarity protection,” said Igor Klymenko.

Mariusz Kaminski expressed his condolences over the tragic death of Denis Monastyrsky's team on January 18 and assured that Polish partners will continue close practical partnership with Ukrainian counterparts to further strengthen regional security.

“This war, in the end, opened our eyes to the immediate need to strengthen European sovereignty, to build and strengthen strategically the European Union with the participation of an integral part of the European community — the Ukrainian state,” the head of the Polish Ministry of Internal Affairs noted.

As a result of the telephone conversation, the interior ministers of the two states agreed to organize a bilateral meeting in the near future in order to discuss specific areas of long-term cooperation in the context of security challenges and threats that are currently relevant in the region.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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