“Seller” of weapons and ammunition detained in Vinnytsia region (VIDEO)

08.02.2024 20:40

Law enforcement officers of the Vinnytsia region detained a 64-year-old man who set up the sale of automatic weapons and ammunition. He was detained in the course of a special operation during an attempt to sell a Kalashnikov assault rifle with cartridges and a grenade with incendiaries.

Currently, measures are underway to establish the source of origin of weapons and the circle of persons involved in the crime.

During the search at the place of residence of the accused, law enforcement officers also seized five more F-1 grenades with incendiaries, two unregistered rifles, more than 1000 rounds and gunpowder. The attacker was informed of the suspicion under Part 1 of Art. 263 (Illegal handling of weapons, ammunition or explosives). Such a crime is punishable by imprisonment for up to seven years.

The court chose a preventive measure for the man in the form of detention with the possibility of posting bail.

National Police of Ukraine

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