Border guards discovered counterfeit excise goods worth almost UAH 1.5 million and detained evaders at the border

29.11.2023 18:00

Within the framework of criminal proceedings, border guards and operatives of OKPP “Kyiv” together with BEB employees conducted a search in the city. Boryspil.

According to the results of the activities carried out in the car, law enforcement officers found and seized counterfeit tobacco products without excise tax stamps. In total, 20 thousand packs of different brands were withdrawn.

Law enforcers established that the goods were intended for further sale on the territory of Ukraine. To hide their criminal activity, offenders constantly changed the points of sale of goods and warehouses for their storage. The full circle of persons involved in this scheme is currently being established.

The total amount of the seized amounted to 1.4 million UAH. Such illegal activity led to non-payment of excise tax in particularly large amounts. The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine is constantly introducing innovative approaches in the fight against illegal activities and external aggression.

Pre-trial investigation in the case under Part 1 of Art. 204 Criminal Code of Ukraine is carried out by detectives of TU BEB in Kiev region in cooperation with border guards of the operational and search department of OKPP “Kyiv”. Procedural leadership is carried out by the prosecutors of the Kyiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

And last night, the border guards of the Chopin detachment exposed a 30-year-old man who tried to cross the border with forged documents and, under the guidance of his wife, offered a bribe. The offender arrived by train “Kyiv — Vienna” at the checkpoint “Chop (Druzhba)”. Together with the passport, a resident of the Kiev region presented to the border guards a package of documents on unsuitability for military service.

However, during their inspection, the inspector had doubts about the validity of the temporary certificate of conscript and VLC certificate provided by the passenger, so they decided to more carefully study the circumstances of obtaining the papers. During the conversation, the man did not orient where and when he underwent a medical examination and where he received documents. Also, the border guards contacted the RCC and received information that the documents on exclusion from military registration for health reasons were not issued to the specified person. On the contrary, they wanted to issue a summons, but could not find a potential conscript at the place of registration.

Subsequently, the passenger admitted that he bought fakes through social networks for $7,000. When he realized that he would not be able to cross the border by deception and to avoid criminal liability for using forged documents, the offender, under the guidance of his wife, tried to bribe the border guard.

The offender is threatened with criminal liability for “Offering, promising or providing unlawful benefits to an official” (Article 369 of the Criminal Code), “Forgery of documents, seals, stamps and forms, sale or use of forged documents, seals, stamps” (Article 358 of the Criminal Code) and “Evasion from conscription for military service during mobilization, for a special period, for military service by conscription of persons from the number of reservists in a special period” (Art. 336 KKU).

In just the past day, November 28, 55 thousand people and 17 thousand vehicles crossed the western borders of Ukraine with the EU and Moldova (in the Chernivtsi region).

27 thousand people left Ukraine last day. 16 thousand of them crossed the border with Poland, the rest followed to other EU countries and Moldova. Over the past day, 28 thousand people followed Ukraine, 24 thousand of them are citizens of Ukraine.

139 trucks with humanitarian aid were registered. 12 people were detained for attempting to illegally cross the state border of Ukraine outside the designated crossing points.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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