Most of all I wanted to see my little daughter: the story of a border guard released from captivity

13.03.2024 19:00

The soldier of the State Border Guard Service with the nickname “Tackleberry”, released from captivity to the last, did not believe in the likelihood of a Russian attack on Ukraine. On February 24, 2022, he was on shift at the checkpoint “Chongar” in the Kherson region. Then, from the observation post, the border guards saw the accumulation of Russian military equipment from the Crimean side and took up positions.

Within a few minutes, an enemy drone flew over and the border guards covered the “Grad”. “Tackleberry” had to rescue the first wounded, because he had a medical education.

Subsequently, the border guards saw people in military uniforms and thought they were reinforcements. They said the password - got the right answer. However, as they got closer, they realized that they had fallen into a trap.” “Tackleberry” only managed to write to his pregnant wife that he was alive and scratched her number on his hand.

After that, the soldier was taken prisoner, there were interrogations, beatings, psychological pressure. the Russians were beaten for refusing to give information about other servicemen and relatives. For his tattoo with a border beret, the invaders called him a Nazi. Ukrainians were forced to listen to the Russian anthem - standing and putting their hand to their hearts. A lot of guys disagreed. For this they were planted in the carcass. The enemies pressed psychologically and assured that Ukraine no longer exists. Documents were signed as if for release from captivity, where it was necessary to choose: “I want to live in Russia”, “I want to live in the territory of Ukraine controlled by Russia” or “I want the territory controlled by Ukraine”. Each time the captured border guard chose the last option, the papers were thrown into the trash.

According to “Thackleberry,” thoughts about his pregnant wife helped to hold on and not lose heart. Above all, the man wanted to see his child.

One day, the border guard was told to change into a Ukrainian military uniform. Then the “Tackleberry” sensed: they were being sent home. Now a border guard next to his beloved wife and little daughter. He continues his service and dreams of the day when all his brothers will return from captivity.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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