Police evacuate Siversk residents and deliver food

21.07.2022 17:40

Every day, the city in the north of Donetsk region is subjected to chaotic shelling by Russian troops. Houses and infrastructure are destroyed, and local residents have to hide from shells in basements around the clock. Law enforcers organize the safe departure of people and provide assistance.

To explain all the danger of the situation and moral support, law enforcement officers are in touch with locals around the clock.
Over the past two days, police teams have conducted informational work with residents. Houses, bomb shelters and cellars were targeted. Special attention was paid to large families and lonely people.

Together with representatives of the local military administration and volunteers, the police brought humanitarian goods and medicines to the local hospital. Then they visited a large family, which was checked the other day. At the time of the arrival of the law enforcement officers, the family was not in the basement, and the house itself was on fire after the morning shelling. People said that they survived a difficult night and barely escaped.

About ten citizens agreed to the evacuation, among whom was the mother of two children - a baby and a boy of four years. They all remained their own homes. All residents are now safe.

Police urge residents to evacuate to safer settlements. When it is necessary to save a life, one should not hold on to the material. Russia is purposefully hitting civilians and destroying homes. Now the only way out is evacuation.

Donetsk Oblast Police Communications Department

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