After being wounded again in service: the story of the National Guard with the nickname Marshal

21.04.2023 20:00

The National Guard, together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other components of the security and defense sector, continues to provide reliable protection of Ukraine against armed aggression of the Russian Federation. The defenders hold the defense firmly and give a decent rebuff to the invaders.

Thus, a guard under the pseudonym Marshal defends the state in the ranks of 23 separate brigade of OGP “Khortytsya” of the Southern Operational and Territorial Union of the NGU. The warrior talks about one of his combat exploits. According to him, the most difficult test for him was a direct clash with the enemy in one of the districts of the Zaporizhzhya region.

During active hostilities, Ukrainian defenders discovered a sabotage and reconnaissance group of the enemy. A unit under Marshal's command immediately engaged in a fierce battle and wiped out the enemy's live force.

The enemy, realizing that the plan had failed and the Russian DRG was destroyed, began mortar shelling of the guard positions. Risking his own life, the officer covered his subordinates, and he himself received a shrapnel wound.

Thanks to the courageous actions and personal determination of Marshal, it was possible to avoid losses among personnel and inflict considerable damage to enemy units, and prevent the advance of the occupiers towards the regional center.

After treatment and rehabilitation, the officer is back in service and dreams that Ukraine will be flourishing and free from Russian invaders.

“I always feel the support of my family and believe in our victory. I want the next generations of Ukrainians not to see what we see now,” the guard notes.

Thus, during one of the visits of the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko to the guards and policemen, the military officer with the callsign Marshal received a high award for personal courage and courage — the Order “For Courage” of the III degree.

National Guard of Ukraine

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