“White Angels” police and military detained Russian occupier near Avdiivka (VIDEO)

09.02.2024 14:00

The crew of the “White Angel” came to one of the settlements near Avdiyivka to rescue a wounded civilian. On the street, they saw a man in a Russian uniform and detained him.

It was previously established that the occupier was convicted in Russia for inflicting grievous bodily harm, and arrived in Ukraine to participate in hostilities, for which he was promised amnesty.

A native of the Republic of Tatarstan with the nickname “Melky” fought in the penalty unit “Storm-Z”, which the enemy threw to assault Avdiyivka.

The prisoner had the task of picking up his wounded from the battlefield, however, he came under fire, was wounded and lost.

In turn, the “White Angels” delivered the prisoner to a joint group of the National Police and the SBU, which is engaged in the investigation of war crimes of the Russian Federation.

National Police of Ukraine

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