Organized illegal armed formations for the seizure of Crimea: the brother of the so-called “mayor” of Sevastopol was declared a suspect

09.02.2024 12:30

The man served in the Russian Navy for more than ten years and retired as a captain of the second rank, after which he moved to Sevastopol and began subversive activities for the withdrawal of Crimea from Ukraine.

Until March 2014, he was engaged in recruiting pro-Russian combat-ready citizens, whom he organized into the illegal armed formation “Self-Defense of Sevastopol” for the unhindered election of his brother as “mayor” of Sevastopol in the so-called local elections.

The fighters of this group captured a military unit in Sevastopol and were the first to set up checkpoints around the city to detect and prevent the entry of citizens with an active Ukrainian position.

To capture warships of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other military units on the territory of Crimea, the defendant created a special unit “Frontier”. It was his fighters who took hostage the sailors of the ships “Bohdan Khmelnytsky”, “Pridniprovʼya” and “Ternopil” and contributed to the capture of the Belbek airbase.

Since the seizure of Crimea, the defendant holds the position of deputy chairman of the Standing Committee of the Legislative Assembly of the city of Sevastopol II convocation on legislation and state construction.

Investigators of the Main Directorate of the National Police of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city. Sevastopol, under the procedural guidance of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, informed him of suspicion of changing the boundaries of the territory of Ukraine and violation of the order established by the Constitution and participation in activities not provided for by law of armed formations, attacks on enterprises, institutions and organizations.

The defendant is wanted. He faces up to 12 years in prison.

National Police of Ukraine

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