Survey of the area, search of premises, search for violators and explosives: how dog border guards work (VIDEO)

14.02.2024 20:30

Dog inspectors of the State Border Service, together with their assistants, carry a service to inspect areas of the area, search premises, buildings, structures and conduct search operations in case of detection of offenders.

In addition, dogs are added to the inspection of vehicles in the border. Before the full-scale invasion on the border with Russia and Belarus, special dogs were used at checkpoints, but with their closure, animals are recruited to serve at checkpoints.

Nowadays, many service dogs have been retrained. Now they detect explosives. Dogs are recruited by border guards to search for possible equipped hiding places that can be used by the enemy.

In addition, dog inspectors with special dogs also work for the implementation of operational information and in the interests of other law enforcement agencies and military formations. To improve the activity with service dogs, constant training is carried out: at different times, in different places, in different weather and tasks that may arise during the service.

More details - in the material.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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