He held the position of “deputy minister” of the occupation authorities: cyberpolice exposed a collaborator

13.02.2024 17:30

Cyber police of the Kherson region exposed the activities of a collaborator who voluntarily agreed to cooperate with the Russian invaders.

In September 2022, the defendant received the position of “acting obligation to replace the Minister of Digital Development and Mass Communications of the Kherson region”. Subsequently, the suspect, through Russian media and telegram channels, disseminated statements in support of the aggressor state and the occupation authorities in order to create its positive image; about the holding of an illegal referendum; the further work of the occupying authorities allegedly in the interests of the local population.

In addition, in his own telegram channel, the attacker spread messages that discredit the Armed Forces and the political leadership of Ukraine. The man spread false information about the alleged shelling of civilian infrastructure by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. In particular, the suspect in his video calls and text messages called the Russian armed aggression against Ukraine an “internal civil conflict”, denied the statehood of Ukraine and justified the war started by Russia as a “restoration of historical justice”, called the constitutional territories of Ukraine the historical lands of the Russian Federation and the collapse Attacked by the military of the Russian Federation strikes on health facilities.

The defendant was declared in absentia on suspicion of committing the crimes stipulated in Part 5, 6 of Art. 111-1 (Collaborative activity) and part 3 of Art. 436-2 (Justification, recognition as legitimate, denial of armed aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, glorification of its participants) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Article sanctions provide for up to 12 years in prison.

National Police of Ukraine

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