He held the position of commander in an illegal law enforcement agency and seized the property of civilians: a collaborator was exposed

14.12.2023 18:00

Law enforcement officers reported the suspicion of a collaborator - a resident of the city of Chuguyiv, Kharkiv region. During the temporary occupation of a part of Kharkiv region, the 40-year-old attacker held the position of “commander” in the illegal law enforcement agency “Department of Internal Affairs of the Temporary Civil Administration of Kharkiv Oblast” and, together with the servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces, committed crimes against civilians.

Law enforcement officers found out that in the village of Dvorichna, Kupyan district, the man, together with three servicemen of the Russian Armed Forces, came to the house where a 48-year-old man lived. Armed intruders threatened a local resident and conducted a “search” of the house. The suspect liked the victim's car, so in a few days the armed military returned, opened the gates of the household and took the civilian's vehicle.

Later, the suspect used the car for his own purposes. He moved through the city of Kupyansk, came to places of food, rest, shops.

On December 12, investigators in absentia informed a 40-year-old man of suspicion under Part 2 of Art. 28, Part 1 of Art. 438 (violation of laws and customs of war) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The sanction of the article provides for up to 12 years in prison.

National Police of Ukraine

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