The National Guards destroyed the heavy flamethrower system of the enemy “Solncepek”

08.02.2024 18:30

Last week, the operational units of the National Guard of Ukraine along the entire line of contact actively destroyed the occupiers, reducing their combat potential.

Thus, in the Limansky, Donetsk, Kherson and Melitopol directions of the 27 Pechersk Brigade, the aerial reconnaissance group of the 27 Pechersk Brigade detected and destroyed a tank, an armored fighting vehicle, a heavy flamethrower system “Solncepek”, 5 trucks, two cars and an antenna of the REB complex.

In addition, over the past week, National Guard operational units along the entire contact line actively destroyed the occupiers, reducing their combat potential.

The neutralization of 168 occupiers was confirmed, of which 52 — permanently, as well as destroyed two tanks, three infantry fighting vehicles, two armored personnel carriers, 15 units of automotive equipment, 9 personnel shelters, a field storage with ammunition.

In total, in a week, National Guard intelligence officers detected 527 enemy targets, some of which, in cooperation with other components of the security and defense forces, were destroyed or disabled.

National Guard of Ukraine

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