In Transcarpathia near Tisa, evaders were caught with inflatable flamingos and a children's circle

18.11.2023 11:00

Two men who intended to illegally cross the border with Romania were detained by the border guards of the “Hrushovo” branch of the Mukacheve border detachment.

To implement their plan, the attackers chose a river section where the state line runs along the Tisa River. One of the swimmers is a resident of Transcarpathia, the other came from Poltava region.

Border guards found out that the Transcarpathian promised his comrade to accompany him to a neighboring country. To this end, he provided the Poltavian with a wetsuit and a “reliable” swimsuit — an inflatable children's circle and sleeves with pink flamingos.

The fact that the depth of the Tisa in the direction of their movement reaches four meters, and the width is almost 50 meters and that almost two dozen men have already drowned in the river - the leader of the bulls is silent.

For such an escort service, the Transcarpathian planned to receive $3200.

In relation to the detainees, protocols were drawn up on administrative offenses, provided for in Art. 204-1 KUPAP “Illegal crossing or attempted illegal crossing of the state border of Ukraine”, the cases are referred to the court.

In addition, regarding the detection in the actions of the Transcarpathian of signs of the crime provided for by Art. 332 “Illegal transfer of persons across the state border of Ukraine” of the Criminal Code of Ukraine border guards sent a corresponding notice to the National Police.

State Border Guard Service of Ukraine

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