More than 51 thousand ID-cards were issued in the Kyiv region in three months

02.04.2024 15:33

Despite the war, employees of the State Migration Service are doing everything possible to ensure that Ukrainians receive all the necessary documents on time.

Thus, in the first quarter of this year, employees of the migration service of Kyiv and the region issued about 51,5 thousand ID-cards and more than 85,5 thousand foreign passports.

Almost 150 cases of identification were accepted for consideration.

Almost 40 applications of citizens of Ukraine regarding the provision of extracts from the Unified State Demographic Register were considered.

Departure was made and more than a hundred passport documents were issued to servicemen who were in medical institutions for treatment.

Foreigners and stateless persons also continue to apply to the migration service. So, for the above period of this year they are issued:

  • immigration permits to Ukraine — about 300;
  • certificate: for permanent residence — about 500;
  • for the temporary — about 1600;
  • extension of the period of stay on the territory of Ukraine — more than 200.

“In difficult conditions, despite air alarms, the migration service of our region works smoothly. Changes in legislation help to make the service even more comfortable for visitors. So, in 2023, it became possible to simultaneously issue an ID and a passport, as well as a passport for your child/children under 14 years old. It was timely to simplify the procedure for issuing passports to citizens residing in the temporarily occupied territory — identification of the person in this case became possible in the video conference mode. We document the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on an extraordinary basis. We hand over documents even in hospitals, which allows them to go abroad for treatment”, - said the deputy head of the CMU of the DMS in Moscow. Kyiv and Kyiv region Dmytro Lemesh.

Note that the employees of the departments help citizens to send ready-made passports from one territorial authority/unit of the DMS to another. So you can get the manufactured documents not at the place of submission of the relevant application form, but at the place of actual stay.

Normalization by the Cabinet of Ministers of the issue of sending passports of citizens of Ukraine and abroad made it much easier for Ukrainians to receive them in the countries where people are located. After all, in the first days and months of the war, citizens were allowed to cross borders even without documents. As a result, last year thousands of passports were transferred to them outside the state.

State Migration Service of Ukraine

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