We received the largest number of questionnaires from volunteers through the website of the Offensive Guard, the number of recruitment groups in the CNAPs has been optimized - spokeswoman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Mariana Reva

01.04.2023 15:30

The brigades of the advance guard are practically formed. Recruitment in reserve groups continues. This was reported by the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Mariana Reva on the air of the “United News” telethon.

“As the Minister of Internal Affairs Igor Klymenko noted yesterday, recruitment to the Guard of the Offensive continues. We saw the demand of society for the formation of volunteer units, received several thousand questionnaires from those wishing to become part of the assault brigades of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine,” the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine emphasized.

She added that the team of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine understood that it is necessary to move on — although 8 assault brigades have already been formed, but reserve units are also needed.

According to her, there remained a large number of applications willing to the Guard of the Offensive, which the personnel services continue to process. At the same time, she notes, there is also a certain percentage of applicants who have not been selected.

“As a rule, it has not undergone a physical test or there are certain medical contraindications,” noted Mariana Reva.

At the same time, according to the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the volunteers who are enrolled and who are undergoing training are very motivated and have a high level of desire to prepare to become part of the offensive actions of the security and defense forces.

Therefore, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine continued the recruitment.
“The only thing they did was to optimize the number of CNAs with recruiting groups. Currently there are 44. Relevant information will be updated on the website of the Guard of the Offensive - https://storm.mvs.gov.ua/”, - said Mariana Reva and added that it was through the site that the largest number of applications for those wishing to serve in the Guard of the Offensive was received. “We are glad to see all those who want to serve.
Come and sign up to volunteer. Perhaps someone has not yet fully made such a decision for himself. We are waiting in our benches. The offensive guard continues to be formed,” the spokeswoman of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine summed up.

Department of Communications



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