Ministry of Internal Affairs podcast: will Ukraine turn into China?

19.03.2024 12:00

During the week, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine collected from subscribers of social networks the most common and scandalous issues related to the introduction of a unified video monitoring system in the country. After all, the relevant draft law was recently submitted to the Verkhovna Rada.

One of the topics that most interested users of the network is “Will Ukraine turn into China?” In Beijing, a video surveillance system recognizes the faces of citizens on the streets and collects details about their daily lives. The cameras record the names, ID card numbers, addresses and dates of birth of passers-by.

Whether Ukraine needs such an experience of observation was explained by the guests of the first issue of the “Ministry of Internal Affairs Podcast” - Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Leonid Tymchenko and Deputy Head of the National Police Andriy Nebitov.

Before submitting the legislative initiative, the specialists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system studied in detail the experience of international partners. The leader in the number of installed video monitoring systems, indeed, is China (200 million cameras). The second place is occupied by the United States - 50 million cameras.

European countries:

  • Germany (5 million cameras)
  • France (1.6 million cameras)
  • Netherlands (1 million cameras)

Countries of Asia:

  • Japan (more than 5 million cameras)
  • South Korea (more than 2 million cameras)

In London, according to Andrei Nebitov, more than 620 thousand cameras are installed, 15 thousand of which are used in the subway. Meanwhile, only 37 thousand cameras are now functioning throughout Ukraine.

“This system has been used in modern countries for a long time. The main thing is that the state and the departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the implementation of such systems realize the right to security. This is not a restriction of human rights. Here we need to talk not about China, but about European countries - leaders in ensuring the security of citizens' rights,” said the deputy head of the National Police.

Leonid Tymchenko stressed that Ukraine will follow the example of European countries. The specified system is created to monitor the state of public safety and detect offenses. Cameras will be installed not only in public areas, but also in educational institutions. So their number should definitely increase. The conditions and procedure for the use of CCTV cameras should be clearly defined. For this purpose, the Ministry of Internal Affairs initiated the draft law “On a unified system of video monitoring of the state of public security”.

More details - in the podcast.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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