Media about the Ministry of Internal Affairs: Kharkiv rescuer pulled 30 people from under the rubble of houses

29.02.2024 13:40

Vladimir Gorbikov is a rescuer from Kharkiv region. The man is 46 years old. Half of his life he served in one of the units of the State Emergency Service of the Kharkiv region. He started as the chief of the prison, later headed the 1st State Fire and Rescue Detachment of Kharkov. This is 400 subordinates in 7 fire departments. Now Vladimir is the acting head of the Podolsk district department of Kyiv of the State Emergency Service of Ukraine. The rescuer told the story of rescue and work in the east of Ukraine to the publication “Ukrainska Pravda”.

Vladimir's work mostly consisted in coordination of actions. However, a full-scale invasion forced a change in the vector of work. After February 24, 2022, an emergency worker together with colleagues pulled 30 people from under the ruins of houses. However, the dead were twice as many - 63 bodies.

According to the rescuer, the most difficult change lasted three days. These were the first missile and air strikes on Kharkov, the Russian military bombed the city center. And on each of the destroyed objects, Vladimir searched for the living and got the dead.

About the most difficult change and work in Kharkiv region - read in the material of “Ukrainska Pravda”.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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