Corruption schemes in the work of VLC and ISEC: a number of bribes exposed

23.02.2024 12:30

Specialists of the National Police continue to work on exposing corruption schemes in the work of employees of the Military Medical Commission and the Medical and Social Expert Commission.

Thus, on February 21, law enforcement officers of the Cherkasy region exposed a member of the VLC in bribery. For 7 thousand 700 dollars, the man promised to influence the decision to declare the conscript unfit for service and issue the corresponding certificate. The attacker was detained in the office while receiving the funds. Another 8,000 dollars, more than 60,000 hryvnias and documents were seized from the violator. The man was informed of the suspicion of committing the crime provided for in Part 2 of Art. 369-2 (Abuse of influence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He faces up to five years in prison.

On February 14, law enforcement officers exposed another “scheme” of earning money on evaders. Members of the criminal group in Zaporozhye for 6 thousand dollars promised to contribute to the establishment of a disability group for a conscript. Among the suspects are employees of several local hospitals, a member of the medical advisory board, a laboratory worker and a nurse. The organizer of the “scheme” was detained after receiving 193 thousand hryvnias from the total amount of the bribe. All defendants were informed of the suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 28 Part 2 of Art. 369-2 (Abuse of influence) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

And in August 2023, the police, together with the prosecutor's office, conducted more than 200 searches in medical institutions and shopping centers. They did this in order to document corrupt schemes of evading the summons. Then the employees of the DSR seized almost 35 thousand medical records of citizens. Some of them were immediately sent for re-examination due to the suspicion that the diagnoses were fictitious.

Today it is known about hundreds of canceled decisions made by representatives of military-medical and medical-social expert commissions.

Today, there are already the first court decisions made in relation to the defendants, representatives of medical institutions. Thus, the dentist and surgeon of the city hospital of the city of Kropyvnytskyi was found guilty of official falsification of official documents. The woman held the post of head of the military-medical commission of the district TCC. Only by documented episodes with her “help” at least 10 men of conscription age were able to evade further military service in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

National Police of Ukraine

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