The story of the family of a guard who had a daughter on the first day of a full-scale war (VIDEO)

24.02.2024 20:00

“Sava” is a soldier of the National Guard of Ukraine. On the day of the full-scale invasion, when Ukraine woke up from the bombings, his wife Yana and their daughter were born.

“On the day of the full-scale invasion, my feelings were divided. On the one hand, I was extremely happy that I had a second daughter. On the other hand, I understood what trials await us,” recalls the guard.

Alexander, seeing his daughter open her eyes and seeing the world for the first time, decided that the best thing he could do for her and for his country was to protect them. Therefore, he joined the National Guard of Ukraine in order to defend his family and Motherland.

“Immediately I could not mobilize, because my wife was having a cesarean section and she needed my help. But as soon as I realized that my wife could cope without my care, I immediately went to the military registration office. My daughter was already six months old. I took my wife and children to my parents, it seemed safer to me there, and I joined the ranks of the NGU,” Oleksandr says.

After training and training, Alexander was sent to the Zaporizhzhya direction where the guy commanded the department. The unit was primarily engaged in evacuating the wounded from the battlefield, although it often had to repel enemy assaults.

“My husband did not tell me anything about what he was doing and what dangers and difficulties he had. When he first went to the front, there was no contact with him for several days. I was very worried about it, but he constantly reassured me — he said that he was fine and just sometimes there was no connection,” recalls his wife Yana.

During the execution of one of the combat missions, Alexander received a contusion. But the injury did not stop the guard, and he continues to serve and continues to protect the most dear - his family and his land.

See the story for more details.

National Guard of Ukraine

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