Igor Klymenko: The Strategy of Public Security and Civil Protection of Ukraine and the Concept of the Security Environment in Ukraine for 2023-2026 are some of the important strategic guidelines of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

17.11.2023 18:00

This was emphasized by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine during the meeting of the Dialogue on Internal Security between Ukraine and the EU, chaired by the EU Counter-Terrorism Coordinator Ilkka Salmi. The meeting was also attended by Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Oleksiy Sergeev, interim Acting Head of the National Police Maxim Tsutkiridze and Head of the State Border Service Sergey Deineko.

At the beginning of the talks, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko thanked his colleagues from the EU for their comprehensive support against the background of the full-scale Russian invasion and for their readiness to help Ukraine on the path of reforms:

“I am pleased to be able to continue our dialogue on building a common security policy. The European Commission's long-awaited report opens a new stage on our path to membership negotiations and at the same time sets clear benchmarks for further reforms. One of the markers of progress is the continuation of law enforcement reform.”

Igor Klymenko informed the partners that in accordance with the recommendations of the European Commission, the President of Ukraine approved the Comprehensive Strategic Plan for Law and Order Reform. To ensure its implementation with the active participation of the Ministry of the Interior, a draft plan of practical measures has been prepared, which takes into account the position of both civil society and international experts.

“The position of the EU Advisory Mission is particularly important for us, since the implementation of the plan will allow us to adapt our system to European standards and make significant progress on the criteria of the Negotiating Section 24 “Justice, Freedom and Security”. In addition, today the Ministry is working on the Strategy for Public Security and Civil Protection of Ukraine, the draft of which was developed based on the results of the Public Security and Civil Protection Review conducted in 2023, as well as on the Concept of the Security Environment in Ukraine for 2023-2026,” the Minister of Internal Affairs said.

Igor Klymenko stressed that the Strategy and Concept will become key strategic documents aimed at defining the main directions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs activities for the coming years, taking into account all threats, including those that are relevant during the martial law and in the interim period after the end of hostilities.

Also, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine reported to the partners on the launch of the Unified Register of Weapons, which is the main tool for preventing its illegal circulation, which is especially important in the conditions of war:

“From June 23, 2023, the Unified Register of Weapons operates. Currently, more than 113 thousand applications for permits have been submitted online, according to the results of which 103 thousand permits have already been granted. In addition, we are implementing the 11 steps proposed by the EU side to combat the illegal trafficking of weapons and we are involving other law enforcement agencies, in particular the SBU, in their implementation.

Separately, Igor Klymenko thanked his European colleagues for a series of organized educational visits and international events on the improvement of legislation in the field of arms circulation and the functioning of coordination centers.

In turn, the head of the border agency told the partners about the changes in the Integrated Border Management Strategy caused by the war, as well as the status of Ukraine as a candidate country.

“The first strategic document on integrated border management was developed in close cooperation with European experts and received high praise. It took into account European best practices and principles of integrated border management. At the same time, full-scale armed aggression had a negative impact on the implementation of the Strategy, as the State Border Service had to quickly refocus on repelling an armed attack,” said Serhiy Deineko, Head of the State Fiscal Service.

Therefore, taking into account the recommendations of the EU side by the actors of integrated border management, work has begun on the development of a model project for a National Coordination Centre for Integrated Border Management and Risk Analysis.

The EU side positively assessed Ukraine's progress in implementing the seven recommendations, and noted efforts aimed at preventing the leakage of firearms across the state border and the participation of law enforcement agencies in the implementation of operational plans within the framework of the multidisciplinary EMPACT program.

Also, EU representatives assured of their readiness to support Ukraine as long as necessary and, in particular, to continue efforts to politically isolate Russia.

After the end of the meeting, the parties thanked each other for the fruitful discussion and agreed to continue to work towards reforms.

“We feel your support every day — on the battlefield, in the political plane, and in the daily work of our police and border guards! We are working on the implementation of all recommendations of the European Commission”, - summed up the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine Igor Klymenko.

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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