Ihor Klymenko met with Carlo Formosa, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Ukraine

26.09.2024 16:23

Today, on September 26, Ihor Klymenko, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, met with Carlo Formosa, the newly appointed Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine. The Italian delegation also consisted of Francesco Pesce, the Deputy Head of Mission of the Embassy of the Italian Republic in Ukraine.

At the beginning of the negotiations, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine welcomed Carlo Formosa to his new position and expressed his gratitude to Italy for its comprehensive support and assistance to Ukraine in the course of its G7 presidency.

"I am pleased to welcome you to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. You have recently taken office, but you have already held many meetings. In particular, with the heads of law enforcement agencies. I commend you for your intentions to help our country in the face of a full-scale invasion. I am pleased to see that you already understand our needs and stand prepared to contribute to this assistance", – said Ihor Klymenko, addressing the partners.

In particular, the parties discussed the upcoming meeting of the G7 Interior Ministers to be held in Italy shortly and the Fourth Ukraine Recovery Conference (URC2024).

"Dear Mr. Minister, I appreciate your hospitality and the opportunity to meet you. I have been looking forward to meeting you for a long time, and I finally have this opportunity. And I do hope we can increase our cooperation and improve the relationship between our institutions. Italy currently holds the presidency of the G7 Group and fully supports Ukraine's accession to the EU", – said Carlo Formosa, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Italy to Ukraine.

Ihor Klymenko also informed the partners on the participation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in repelling the armed aggression of the russian federation. In particular, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine noted that a significant number of personnel are directly involved in combat operations and ensure order in the liberated territories. These include the National Guard of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, the National Police of Ukraine and the State Emergency Service of Ukraine.

"Given the number of wounded due to enemy attacks and in combat operations, we are in need of assistance to the medical sector of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. In particular, this obliges us to set up additional surgical units and rehabilitation centres. The mental health of our military comes first for us now. For this reason, we are opening a mental health centre this year", – said the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.

In his turn, Carlo Formosa said that his country stands ready to contribute and provide training to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine by arranging a trip to Italy for doctors.

"Your country is facing enormous challenges every day in the course of this brutal war. However, you are not alone on this path and we stand ready to assist you in every way possible. This coordination is also about promoting reforms that will improve the security situation in your country in the future. I do hope you will become a member of the European family", – the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Italy to Ukraine assured.

Following the meeting, the parties agreed to coordinate actions to further support the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in the law enforcement sector, as well as to promote the development of medical infrastructure.

"I would like to express my gratitude for this meeting and for the support provided by Italy to our citizens in such a difficult time for our country. After the end of the war, we will have a lot to deal with, and I wish our cooperation would only grow stronger", – Ihor Klymenko concluded.

Communications Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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