How to choose the right fire extinguisher

06.12.2022 13:40

Ukrainians are increasingly using generators and alternative heating sources, which is why the number of fires has increased. In total, there are six classes of fires.
They are determined from the ignition of the type of materials and substances.

The first is solid combustible materials. For example - wood, paper, fabric. The second is liquid and solid substances that melt. The third is gaseous substances. The fourth is metals and their alloys, the fifth is the combustion of electrical installations up to 1000 watts, in particular the generator. And the sixth is vegetable and animal oils and fats in cooking equipment.

There are four types of fire extinguishers for use. Powder can extinguish all classes of fires, except the sixth. Water-foam fire extinguisher is used for fires of the first and second class. Carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is important in cases of the second and fifth types of burns. When using such a cylinder (it lowers its temperature to -70 degrees), use warm gloves. Water fire extinguisher in its pure form will help during the extinguishing of a fire of the first class, with special additives - in case of elimination of ignition of the second and sixth class.

Remember that water-foam and water fire extinguishers can not be used to extinguish electrical installations. It is life threatening!

Department of Communications of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

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