“The Shape of Fire” - soon in cinemas: a film about rescuers was presented in Khmelnytsky

17.02.2024 19:30

In Khmelnitsky, a documentary film “The Shape of Fire” about the courage of rescuers was presented. This is a documentary film of Ukrainian authorship for the foreign community.

The film is about the Khmelnytsky garrison in the fall of 2022 in Kherson. On February 16, the pre-premiere screening of the film was the first to see the main characters - rescuers and their families.

The main goal of the film is to popularize the stories of Heroes without weapons and strengthen support for Ukraine in the Western countries. Much of the film's scenes are made up of videos from emergency chest cameras. There is a video of the rescue of Kherson residents from residential buildings burning from enemy shelling.

“It is difficult for each of us to evaluate this or that activity - so did I, until I was shown these scary footage on my mobile - from the original source. At this moment, I decided that the story of these Heroes without weapons, the recognition of their hard work, should become the property of history,” noted the director of the film Vasily Kyivsky.

Despair of civilians and resilience of the extraordinary, courage and duty against fear - such red-line themes run through the plot of the tape. This is, in particular, about the heroism and dedication of the SNS workers who put their lives on the line to save the lives of others.

In the tape, only one of the episodes of the work of rescuers. However, they continue to confront the enemy on a daily basis.

On the day of the presentation of the film, the team of emergency workers was honored with awards.

From February 22, the film “The Shape of Fire” will be presented in the cinema for the audience of the city of Khmelnitsky, then - for the whole country.

State Emergency Service of Ukraine

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